Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Returning back with thoughts...

I had been struggling to write for long long time now, but decided to give it a shot. I have started getting into blogging now and was reading alot about it off late.

It is very heartening that people are using such a beautiful concept to share their thoughts and different types of blogs are giving tremendous knowledge and insight into different streams, not just the work but travel, health, education, fun etc. I have started feeling better after going through many articles about Web 2.0 and what it is offering and what it will offer in future. Web 2.0 is also helping creating "2.0" wave :-)

Now, soon you will start hearing "Enterprise 2.0", "Office 2.0", "Messaging 2.0" (that is my imagination), "Collaboration 2.0"..What about including "Social Networking and Etiquette" as a part of next session's syllabus? Recently, I was reading a news about a "Virginia Student's Snow-Day Plea Triggers Online Furor" [,2933,325209,00.html] and how this student used his knowledge of social networking to raise his voice. This triggered several concern in the society about the good old "generation gap" topic. Every few years, society revives itself and Web 2.0 (or I prefer social networking) is a new way to broaden this gap :-)

I don't know how the olders people (I know, we will get older one day) thinks right now about speed with which kids are getting exposed to Intranet and opportunities is brings about. It is not only true with the kids though, even within the corporates, individuals and management apart have started realizing the importance of this and have already taken steps to embrace this. IBM is now trying to make this concept available at corporate level by launching "Lotus Connections" last year and now there is a new mantra emerging as Enterprise 2.0.

I tried not to mix technology in this, but now it is getting very difficult to separate technology out when we talk about Web 2.0. My next blog will be for the need of governance model (different models when in public and when in corporate) in Web 2.0 world and I hope schools adopt this as a part of "Civics" or "Sociology" lessons. If you read this..then you know I am socially connected now :-)

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