Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What can we do to address poor Internet availability/access/infrastructure problem in India??

This is the major problem why many of the civil bodies in India are finding it difficult to adopt to the Internet itself and to show their own presence in the World; so it is more difficult for them to adopt Web 2.0 tools. Many departments don't have computers, internet connections, well electricity itself. How can this be solved:

  • Do they rely on Government to take initiatives?
  • Can IBM (or some organization) help build solar powered computers for governement or rural areas? (UPS can be charged with solar power and then companies can donate old PCs to these areas instead of dumping them)
  • Do they rely on Private bodies to bail them out in the form of charity/funds.
  • NGO - are they really good enough to help these bodies when they themselves don't have resources or don't want to get into troubles themselves
  • Community libraries/centers can be setup where they provide limited time net access (I know it is a challenge in Indian context, but some where change has to be made)
  • ...
  • ...

Lets assume for this discussion that some depatment/organization has a computer with internet access. Why not an individual or a group within these bodies start using blogging or other social networking tools to promote their cause or create their own blog space on public blogs available as stop gap measure to show their presence to start with. E.g. they can create a community profile (orkut, myspace, YouTube) for their deparments to tell what they do, put photos etc. They can use Google docs to create and share documents etc. If some department is lucky enough to have their own LAN, they can download free Wiki software and setup their local Wiki site ( and start collaborating. They may not need whole big enterprise level infrastructure to start with and should not deter them going forward.

As their blogs/wikis/community sites attract more and more people and they start getting more feedbacks from good citizens in the form of encouraging words, then they can look for government aids.

What is required is an "Initiative". As an IBMers, can we help in this cause? We all must have cotacts in these social bodies and atleast 2% of them have this vision and dream..If we can help them realize this, this will be a very good initiative from social initiatives point of view. They need not start with big bang and that is what we need to tell them..The reason why I am saying is that the next generation of workers in those bodies will have more challenges if the current generation doesn't start this now. With open world, privatization of many public offices, it is a challenge for them and we may help them by encouraging/enable/mentor them..To start with, if they don't have access, as a part of community service, we should try to help them move forward..

Comments please...

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